The Moon & Me Featuring Quantum Crystalz!

The Moon & Me Mini Quantum-Touch Sessions

Join a Certified Quantum-Touch Practitioner, as she leads the group in a session aimed at Recharging, Releasing, and Rebalancing the body and mind. We will work on clearing chakras, so that the invigorating energies of the moon, Quantum-Touch, and our Crystal healing room can work their magic! Clearing and balancing chakras can allow for better energy flow throughout the body. Where there is healthy energy flowing, people often notice an improvement in body functions. Unbalanced energy can cause symptoms of pain, emotional issues, anxiety, headaches, and much more. We work with this lower vibational energy, so that it may be released as the body focuses on rebalancing. Once the body is balanced and in a more natural and healthy state of being, you can enjoy the other benefits of the evening. Powerful full moon vibrational energy, Quantum-Touch mini-sessions, and a room full of wonderful high vibrational crystal energy add to the healing being offered. If feeling lighter, with more clarity, and an invigorating sense of well-being sounds like something you would like, check us out! We look forward to welcoming you!